Saturday, March 04, 2006

A Call to Arms

May God forgive me for my musings. But, I feel that it would be better for this country to continue in its present state. To continue in its present condition - to lie in wait under the tyranical hand of the usurper in Malacananag.

I still trust in the Lord though I know not his ways or will. For no one knows the thoughts of the inscrutable. All I know is that He has never abandoned our people who in their supreme moments have trusted in Him and made Him the Judge of their cause. I know that His arm has never failed us the Filipino People when, justice long trampled upon and with every recourse gone, the oppressed have taken up arms to fight for his home and wife and children, and for our inalienable rights. No, God is justice and He can never abandon His cause - the cause of liberty, without which no justice is possible.

But you will ask me - why have I asked that this country continue on its present course that will eventually ruin us? I ask because the fruits of justice and vengeance hasn't have time yet to become fully ripe. It is not yet ripe to be harvested. For a time I ask - Let the just and the worthy suffer more in order that the ideas of justice be sown and at harvest time, then we will reap the seeds of hate and smite the heathen and tyrants that occupies the Palace of the People.

Let providence guide us in the persecution of this Dictator.The vileness that rots our society to the core will then be stopped. The vices of this government will soon blossom. A deathly knell to the current occupants of this administration. But let us also sow the seeds of truth, Lest the iniquity that we see now - smother that which we hold dear an equality and justice under the law. This immoral government presupposes that we will never act. All I ask is time. Truly this is a conscienceless administration - full of greedy and servile peons that doesn't respect law. They see everyone of us as inutile, subservient. Let them think that way.

Right now, let us try and secure little by little the fruits of democracy. We must make sure that we are indeed worthy of it, by exalting the intelligence and the dignity of the individual - the common tao - the lowly masa. Then foster the love of justice, of righteousness, and to hold ourselves to exalting the dream of greatness, even to the extent of dying for them, -- and then this a people will reach such a height that God will provide a weapon, the idols of iniquity will shatter and then this administrations' tyranny will crumble like a house of cards. And true liberty and democracy will be achieved.

It is without a doubt that the sorry state of our country is our own fault. The current calamity we owe to ourselves alone, so let us blame no one. If FPGMA would see that we were less tolerating and complaisant with tyranny and more disposed to struggle and suffer for our rights, FPGMA would have long been out of Malacanang and then we would have been celebratinbg the course of liberty. The Filipino people as yet does not have sufficient energy to proclaim, with head erect and bosom bared, its rights to social life, and to guarantee it with its sacrifices, with its own blood. While the elitist of our countrymen, though in private are ashamed with themselves, hear the voice of conscience roar in rebellion and protest, yet in public life keep silence or even echo the words of her who abuses them in order to mock the abused; while we see them wrap themselves up in their egotism, trying with all their might not to break the system and the status qou and with a forced smile praise the most iniquitous actions, begging with their eyes a portion of the booty and the pork barrel. Why would I ask that we be granted liberty? FPGMA would always stay the same - a poor imitation of Marcos and yet worse because she has neither conscience or remorse! Why freedom from tyrany, if the current elitist-slaves of today will be the tyrants of tomorrow? And that there will be such is not to be doubted, for he who submits to tyranny loves it.

We will later see the true measure of the Filipinos again. When the youth of today will generously pour out their hearts and soul to take away our shame, to cleanse this crime and abomination in malacanang. let us bide our time - just a little while until our youth wakes from this malaise and stupor that afflicts them.


Whoever thinks that the mere lifting of Presidential Proclamation No. 1017 has restored the democratic freedoms we have - has gone totally nuts....

False-President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo eventually lifted this so called emergency rule. But as is, The damage has been done on the national psyche. Like a Battered wife, the alliance against FPGMA's rule has tasted the iron hand of FPGMA's unbounded ambition to hold on to power whatever the cost.

The lifting intended to preempt an eventual Supreme Court ruling that would have said that PP 1017 was unconstitutional.

There is no substance to the lifting of PP1017... just like Marcos who "lifted" PD1081 in 1981 but kept everything under a blanket martial law until 1986... even after the lifting of PP1017 - There is still a total curtailment of our liberties under GO #5 with the absence of the freedom of assembly, the continuance of warrantless arrests, and a fuckup threat and total intimidation of the media/presses.

Imagine this - just hours after the lifting of PP 1017, charges were filed against the editor-publisherNiƱez Cacho-Olivares and two columnists (Ike SeƱeres and Herman Tiu-Laurel)of the Daily Tribune newspaper for inciting to sedition. That's a load of BULLSHIT!!!

I shudder to think about our people fighting for freedom and true democracy vs FPGMA.
The nation still languishes under the totalitarian dictatorship that this administration has placed us to cover its' greed, corruption and banality.

The true state of emergency is FPGMA's continued occupance of Malacanang. There is no other issue here than the continuance of an illegitimate administration.