Friday, December 09, 2005

Garci & the 5 months of magic

Garcillano & his ilk has risen again like that great vampire of old -Dracula.
If only we could drive a stake into the heart of this nightmare that is Garci...

so after 5 months of continued silence... all we have now is this stupid zarzuela y moro-moro at the senate....

tsk..tsk...tsk... 5 months of intensive training - being grilled and tasked to follow the script by Mr. Arroyo and company....and all i can hear is the sub judice rule being invoked as well as the rule against self-incrimination....... everything lies upon lies and half-truths.... do we really have to hear all this shit from the horses' mouth...

selective memory? or protective memory? Garcillano has insinuated shenanigans galore in his house visits but have we heard any truth?... none

Alas, whatever story Mr. Garcillano tells doesn't and could not in anyway take away the moral dillema that we have right now - how to take that cheating and lying bastard out of malacanang.

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